Congratulations to Tony for 30 Years Service at Low Wood Bay

Congratulations to Tony for 30 Years Service at Low Wood Bay

Tony Cunliffe started his career at English Lakes on Monday, 27th April 1987 and since then he has been an integral part of the team here at Low Wood Bay. During a presentation to celebrate this work anniversary, his colleagues reminded him of a few interesting facts relating to his tireless service for the company over the years. 

Happy 30th Work Anniversary! Tony with a glass of bubbly and a presentation copy of Low Wood Bay’s A Sunlit Intimate Gift

Two Important Ladies in your life at the Time

In April 1987 Madonna was at No.1 with La Isla Bonita, and Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister

Tony, in your 30 years of service you have ….


Worked 74,880 hours



Put the dishwasher on 18,000 times



Brasso’d for 2,340 hours



Walked to work 24,960 miles, slightly more than the circumference of the Earth 


Smiled during each of the 7,650 shifts you have worked!


BUT best of all….


You’ve drunk 23,400 cups of tea!!