Low Wood Health Cub Members - Going for Gold!

Created Wednesday, February 7, 2018, by Tina Taylor

There continues to be close rivalry in the Low Wood Bay fitness community. Low Wood Bay Fitness Instructor, Mel, explains how the system works, and how effort produces points, and how points can lead to Gold, and beyond! 


Personal Fitness Goals

MYZONE is all about reaching your own personal fitness goals. The system accurately calculates your maximum heart rate, then awards you MYZONE Effort Points (MEPs) based on the effort you put in to your exercise.

The intensity is colour-coded and reflects the percentage of effort relative to your calculated Maximum Heart Rate (MHR). Following so far? 

Gray: 50-59% MHR (1 MEP per minute)

Blue: 60-69% MHR (2 MEPs per minute)

Green: 70-79% MHR (3 MEPs per minute)

Yellow: 80-89% MHR (4 MEPs per minute)

Red: 90-100% MHR (4 MEPs per minute)      

       ... or in picture form, including how you will feel!


And effort wins points, or MEPs, every minute ... 

It is recommended that you exercise within 55%-85% of your maximum heart rate for at least 20/30 minutes.

Targets for Success

Because it is all relative, it means that someone fairly new to exercise can be competing for points with a regular gym member.

All our members, with individual fitness levels and abilities, can now compete with each other in terms of effort, linked to how hard they have worked during a session. Here's what will be displayed on Dave's chart ... 

This works particularly well during group exercise as it highlights who is giving what percentage of effort. It also allows the instructor to focus attention to help everyone get the most from their class.

MYZONE members can set specific goals as they progress through you’re their fitness journey using the MEP points. Setting a weekly or monthly target can be very motivational.

By hitting your target you can rank up to IRON at 1 month, BRONZE at 3 months, SILVER at 6 months, GOLD at 12 months, PLATINUM at 24 months, and DIAMOND at 36 months…

Our Fitness Community Going for Gold!

For more information about MYZONE, our Class Timetable or joining the Low Wood Bay fitness community, give Mel or any of the instructors a call on 015394 39344.