Low Wood Health Club Team Join Project3.65 for an Early Morning Run

Created Friday, February 23, 2018, by admin

The team at The Health Club at Low Wood Bay are, as we know, super fit, full of energy and raring to go. They needed no encouragement to join Ian Penney for an early morning Lake District run. Ian, creator of Project3.65, which raises money for St John's Hospice, tells us a bit more about how it all began.


The Health Club team join Ian for an early morning run

I came up with Project3.65 at the end of last year. I was looking for a challenge in 2017 and also I wanted to make a positive contribution and give something back to my fellow man. The idea is very simple, I run a minimum of 3.65 miles every day for 365 consecutive days - regardless of weather conditions or any other potential obstacles. All money donated goes to the valuable work of St John's Hospice.

What motivates you to run every day?

Knowing that people have donated their hard earned money to this great cause, the least I can do is keep my word and get it done. When the conditions are great then it’s not hard to get motivated to go running in the mountains.

Why did you choose St Johns Hospice?

At the time of starting the challenge a family member, Alan Bradshaw, was dying of terminal cancer and during his stoic battle St Johns Hospice provided some much needed respite.

Hardest part of the challenge so far?

I had anticipated that there would have been some low points. The hardest part though was when I was super run down and got a double infection that resulted in 14 days of antibiotics. During that time I was so fatigued I basically slept all day, got up went for a run and went back to bed for 24 hours! It wasn’t elegant running but I managed to get it done.

Also, January and February were pretty grim at times getting the miles in on the road at 10 pm in horrendous weather conditions then getting out running at 6 am the following morning due to commitments.

Best View ...

Wow! So many, I enjoyed an amazing view descending from Fairfield (843m) down to Grisedale Tarn whilst out on a club run, The sun was setting the sky was on fire.. words can’t describe!

Memorable moments

I’m approaching half way now, so many great moments and I have had the pleasure of being joined by so many amazing people. Running the Windermere marathon was a highlight. Had an amazing run and the day was incredible.

Get Involved ...

Ian would love to run with Low Wood Health Club members and friends. Just let a memmber of the team know and join the 3.65 project for one run... or several.

You can also show Ian your support by donating to his JustGiving page and you can keep track of his progress www.runningproject365.co.uk

Sixteen different classes, thirty times each week, both indoors and outdoors. The ones you would expect and quite a few you wouldn’t. Early morning, daytime or evening. That’s what our regular timetable of classes looks like here at the Health Club at Low Wood Bay. Join in. Try something new. Be inspired.